
  • Low-viscous, polyurethane-based elastomer resin
  • Flexible sealing
  • Limited volume increase in case of water-contact
  • Declaration of Performance according to EN 1504-5: U(D1) W(2) (1/2/3/4) (5/40), U(D2) W(2) (2) (5/40)
  • REACH-assessed exposure scenarios: long-term water contact (crack), periodical inhalation, application


  • Flexible sealing and filling of cracks, joints and voids in building construction, underground and engineering structures under dry, water-bearing and high-pressure water-bearing conditions
  • Injection works according to EN 1504 and DIN V 18028
  • Injection hoses
  • Sealing of potable water structures
  • Subsequent horizontal barrier and vertical barrier against rising moisture in masonry
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